Rahasia Luka Lama~

Kisah tak berakhiran itu akhirnya
memiliki akhiran.
Tiga tahun,
dia pun juga merasa sesak dan sesal
di dalam hati yang susah untuk berdamai.

Kini, kisah kami memiliki akhiran.
Benar-benar usai.
Tidak ada yang menjadi rahasia lagi.

You are the best part of my story.
You are the best love story of my life,
and as always you are.
Because of you, I learning everything.
Although thats so hurt, 
but after all it I believe it can be fine.
I hope youll be happy with your choice.
And I hapoe we will find someone who makes feel unwanted;
maybe you'll find me or
I'll find you.
Or maybe you'll find someone whoever she is;
and I'll find someone whoever he is.


✐ (06.04.2018)


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